Start your Full-Body Tracking with EXCAP, don't miss this Super Early Bird 40% off !

Tracker Setting

Customize RGB

You can set RGB individually or all at once in excap studio, and there is also a button to turn off the light all at once.

Customize Device Name

Excap supports custom device names.

Customize Body Part

In theory, all trackers will be automatically labeled with the body part they belong to, but we have opened this feature and plan to provide more assignment options in the future, such as glove trackers, sports ring trackers…

Haptic Test

There is a haptic motor inside each tracker. The intensity and timing of the vibrations can be programmed. 

Click haptic active and deactive will turn on/off the vibration for testing.

Connecting to VRChat/Other games by osc will be updated in future.

Save All Your Settings

This operation will only save the RGB led and magnetometer status in all the trackers’ hardwares.

Other setting will be saved on your PC autoly.

Check Tracker Status

All information about the tracker will be displayed in the card, including battery level, signal strength, device online status, magnetometer status and firmware version.

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